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investigation adultery

As a client, you can choose for consultancy, as a qualitative alternative to an investigation or a screening. We can act as a “sparring partner”, to exchange ideas and to consider different options.


From time to time business executives and private individuals ask for additional support and no-nonsense feedback. In such a case you can enable us for advice, during or after the investigation (for example: aftercare). In this way, you will succeed in ending your conflict or uncertain situation.

At your request, we look at the desired situation together, after which you will formulate your own insights and creative solutions. We act as a ‘sparringpartner’, in order to coach your problem-solving capacities.


We trust that you can rely on your own emotional intelligence (EQ). We believe you are capable of solving your problem or, at least, approaching it in a different perspective.

“There is no problem that escapes the hope” (Dirk De Wachter).